Video-Unbelievable: what were Bayern Munich fans doing in the Hoffenheim stadium?

During the interval between an old game of Bundesliga Hoffenheim-Bayern Monaco, ended 0-0, two Bavarians fans were overwhelmed by the passion freely.

Surprise during Hoffenheim-Bayern Monaco
Surprise during Hoffenheim-Bayern Monaco
A couple of young Germans in fact immersed themselves even the pants and began a relationship in guests of Rhein-Neckar-Arena, in front of everyone.
The images of the incident were captured by a fan and sent to the German newspaper Bild. “An amazing thing, I could not believe it – he told the same witness –. As if nothing had they dropped everything and began to do the rest. Incredible”. In the end, the stewards had to intervene to calm the unrestrained outpourings of the two individuals. “Hard to believe that no one had noticed it. In any case, no one has done or said anything. Those continued as if nothing had happened, without any shame”, declared the law enforcement in this regard. I wonder how you will feel at the end of the two bold young, when the scandal became public domain: indeed, you know, the results obtained away count double.
Here’s the video:

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